Magi (contributor)
February 10, 2024
Magi is an OP-Stack rollup client written in Rust. I've contributed various features including checkpoint-sync mode and the support of the Deneb hardfork.
Skills: Rust, Ethereum, OP-Stack, Rollup
OP Reth (contributor)
October 5, 2023
I contributed to the OP Stack execution diffs for the Reth client. I mainly worked on the EVM and "L1 cost" changes.
Skills: Rust, Ethereum
Raycast Cast CLI extension
June 25, 2023
A Raycast extension to use the Foundry Cast CLI outside of the terminal.
Skills: React, Foundry
March 28, 2023
Discover airdrops before others, by listening to a global SSL certificate registration websocket, filtering domains and sending updates to a telegram chat.
Skills: Rust, Websockets, RocksDB
Huff single-byte EVM dispatcher
March 12, 2023
A single-byte function dispatch method for EVM smart contracts written in Huff.
Skills: Huff, EVM, Foundry, Assembly
Claim with Permit
December 18, 2022
Allow-list token claims with EIP-712 signature for Ethereum. This was a proof-of-concept for supporting gasless NFT minting on
Skills: Solidity, EVM, Foundry
EVM from scratch
November 22, 2022
Implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine from scratch, using only the ethereum-cryptography package for computing the keccak256 hash
Skills: EVM, Assembly, Typescript
September 26, 2022
An ETH-Amsterdam hackaton project consisting in a defi protocol using tokenized ERC-4626 vaults on top of Gearbox protocol. Prizes won from Yearn, Gearbox and Fei.
Skills: Solidity, Hardhat
December 23, 2020
A full-stack platform for online yoga. Made with the MERN stack. This was my first full-stack side project.
Skills: React, MongoDB, NodeJS
HPC-GraphML 2020
December 15, 2020
My submission for the high-performance computing graphML contest by Oracle Labs and NECSTLab at Policecnico di Milano
Skills: ML, Tensorflow, Stellargraph, Python
October 1, 2020
A collection of content for developers trying to bootstrap their SaaS, including articles, podcasts, books, open source projects, and more. It has gained over 600 stars on GitHub to date.
Skills: SaaS, Startups
Stock price prediction with RNNs
May 3, 2020
A proof of concept of using LSTM recurrent neural networks to predict the stock market, complete with a web app and cloud inference.
Skills: ML, Tensorflow, Flask, Python, GCP
April 22, 2020
A web app to enable volunteers to bring groceries to people in need near them, during the 2020 Covid lockdown.
Skills: React, MongoDB, NodeJS
Digit recognizer
April 19, 2020
A Python implementation of the popular MNIST dataset application of digit recognition with convolutional neural networks. This was the first web app I ever built.
Skills: ML, Python, Pytorch, Flask